Adult Biz Anti-Child Porn Website Revamped

The Website for Adult Sites Against Child Pornography has been revamped to a more user-friendly layout and navigation scheme.

With a simple but attractive home page header, a left column with navigation links, and text in the center of each page, the site is, indeed, an easy visit as well as what Helmy, Inc., who launched the site in 1996, calls a crucial one.

"As you may already know," ASACP says on the site, "child pornography inevitably leads to child abuse, which is one of the vilest crimes that can be inflicted on innocent children. Our main goal is to raise awareness about the subject of child pornography and to gather large number of adult sites which will support us in the fight against such acts."

Some of the better-known adult Websites which are members of ASACP and show the group logo on their pages to declare against child porn or showing it on their sites include Club Wicked, Cybererotica, Gay Network, Pornication, and YNOT Network.

ASACP said it gets between 15-20 child porn reports a day, with 213 child porn sites reported to authorities in April and 112 of those taken down.

To see more or learn more, visit the ASACP Website.