Adopt-A-Highway Censorship? isn't just for adult websurfers - the site has enough community spirit to "adopt a highway," as numerous businesses and community service groups do. The trouble is, according to webmistress Sierra Cantrel (who is also the star of the site), the Adopt-a-Highway Program doesn't want her support.

"In an age when advertisers sport young looking male models in Calvin Klein underwear on billboard ads, busty Guess beauties are half clothed on curb side bus stop posters, etcetera, you would think that it is safe to assume that the laws are somewhat universal between the different outdoor media," Cantrel said. "(The Adopt-A-Highway Maintenance Corporation) informed me that they would not post my sign as my online content is adult oriented. He said after one person looked up the site and complained the (California Department of Transportation) would require removal of the sign."

But Cantrel said the California DOT was working to resolve the matter. "They seem to be less critical of our business ventures, and more concerned with implementing the program as it was originally designed," she said.

Adopt-A-Highway sponsors corporate litter management along pre-set stretches of road in exchange for public sponsor recognition. Cantrel said she spoke to an Adopt-A-Highway worker and agreed on a sponsorship spot on the heavily-traveled southbound stretch of Interstate 405 near U.S. 101. They also discussed the $300-700 price range, sign setup fees, and art limitations, she said.

"I remember him implying that there wasn't enough room for a photo type graphic but that I could post the companies name and use multiple colors," she said. "The conversation ended with me giving him my company's Web address and contact phone number and he was to get back with me."

But she said the callback wasn't so exuberant, since it mentioned another adult business in the area showing Adopt-A-Highway interest who had also been denied "the rights of advertising in this manner."

Adopt-A-Highway would not comment on the matter when reached by AVN On the Net.

"In all respects is complying with national and state regulations and we feel that this blatant censorship is unconstitutional," Cantrel said. "Our goal at is not to make accusations but to utilize our rights as respectable business owners to advertise our product. We believe that the Adopt-A-Highway campaign to keep our highways litter free is a worthy cause that will help to better our community and a productive way to spend our advertising funds."