Activists Picketing Gay Film Festival

A gay film festival here is either "really brave" or a real abomination, depending upon whom one speaks to, as picketing and protests outside competed with delegations inside discussing and defending the festival. nrnTo Toronto filmmaker Roy Mitchell, the Queer City Cinema festival was a brave move on the part of the Saskatchewan Arts Board and the SaskTel corporation. To Christian Truth Activists, the festival glorifies an abomination. nrnFestival participants also played down talk that the festival was to be dominated by gay porn, although American gay porn star Jeff Blythe is helping to promote it. "This festival is not a porn festival - one part of it is about sexuality," Montreal filmmaker Anne Golden told Canadian media. "I'm an activist for human rights and I'm an activist for gay rights. I'm for anything that can bring those issues out of the shadows of the unconscious and into the light of the conscious." nrnToronto filmmaker Dana Inkster said the films featured by the festival have social value by helping gays and lesbians realize they are far from alone. "This kind of forum reminds them that if you're gay and lesbian, that's not an abomination," she said. nrnBut the festival has touched off debate in the Saskatchewan Legislature, with the NDP-Liberal government coming under fire over the festival as other lawmakers called it "dehumanizing, degrading garbage," according to one published Canadian report.