Abbott and Costello Meet the FBI Who's on First? Porn, Mobsters and Communists

No one ever figured out exactly who was on first with Abbott and Costello, but, apparently the FBI saw their act as a threat and investigated them for hoarding pornography and befriending mobsters.

The pair was never charged with a crime, but the FBI maintained files on the two, just in case. Although the two files are small -- just 14 pages between them -- they are packed with scandalous, and dubious, allegations. Even though the relationship between the comedians and the FBI was supposedly amicable, bureau's agents probed their contacts for dirt on the comedic duo.

In October 1944, in the days before every neighborhood had a video rental store with an adult section in the back room, the bureau investigated a "purported ring of obscene motion picture operators in Hollywood." In the course of this investigation they discovered that Costello and actors Red Skelton and George Raft were among the ring's regular customers. According to the file, "The informant remarked that Costello 'had it running out of his ears.'"

"'Large library of obscene films' -- now this one got me laughing," said Chris Costello, the comedian's youngest daughter. "We had one of the largest film collections known within the entertainment community."

But instead of pornography, she said, the library consisted of Abbott and Costello's Hollywood studio films and one of the largest collections of B movie westerns -- a passion of her father's.

"First of all, an Italian-Catholic -- hello? With family? Uh-uh," she said. "I would know if he was planting obscene films in [his library]. There is no way he would be allowing his children in there to rummage through, to select film, or this and that."

"I can tell you right now, when everything was removed from that house, there were no obscene films. I don't know where they got that, but that is bunk, bunk, bunk," she said.

The FBI was reluctant to let go of the suspicion that at least one of the comedians was stockpiling stag films. In 1958, a Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) informant passed on information that Abbott had been squirreling away skin flicks, 1,500 to be precise.

The bureau opened a new file under the suspicion that Abbott was involved in interstate transportation of obscene matter. They concluded that the alleged film collection was for private use but decided to keep the information around, anyway.

"Although ABBOTT is an alleged collector and there is not an allegation of interstate transportation of this matter, a case is being opened in this office as a control file to follow and report to the Bureau information coming to the attention of this office through police liaison with Ad Vice, LAPD," the report states.

Nothing in the report indicates that the porn case developed any further. But the FBI's interest in Abbott and Costello's sex life did not end there. While investigating a violation of the White Slave Traffic Act, the bureau was informed that "two prostitutes put on a lewd performance for Lou Costello, the movie actor." According to the file, the women were paid $50 a piece by a man whose name the bureau redacted.

The 1958 memo also mentions that Abbot was suspected of similar lewdness, but there is never any confirmation in the file that it took place.