AVN Expo 2003 Ends with Bang

Porn kingpin John Stagliano smiled for photographers in front of a row of AVN award statuettes at the Evil Angel booth. Jill Kelly Productions contract star Shyla Stylez autographed posters for a parade of fans, and VCA princess Tawny Roberts thrilled an onslaught of admirers with sexy poses as the fanfare continued on the fourth day of the 2003 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo Sunday at the Sands Expo Center.rnrn

The four-day event was the largest in AVN history with more than 80 new exhibitors, an unprecedented European presence, celebrity sightings and star power led by prominent industry figures such as Larry Flynt and Jenna Jameson. rnrn

Jameson joined Flynt Saturday afternoon at the Hustler Video booth, inciting a line that wrapped around the floor. Jameson will be featured on the cover of the April issue of Hustler magazine. Flynt made the trip to Las Vegas after recently completing a European promotional tour that took him to Paris and Berlin.rnrn

' a ot of people were happy to see Larry Flynt coming to Europe. There's censorship going on there and they see Larry as a guy who fights for their civil rights,? Jimmy Flynt II told AVN.com. ?He wanted to be present here to show people that he's committed to the Hustler brand around the world.'rnrn

Jimmy Flynt II said Hustler Hollywood opened another location in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and the newest Hustler Club recently became a reality in Shreveport, LA.rnrn

Meanwhile, Hustler's Director of Sales Craig Jelin said the traffic has been excellent.rnrn

?I've never seen lines like this. I think everybody's writing some business,? Jelin told AVN.com. ?What it says is how much more mainstream the adult industry has become.? rnrn

But there were stories unfolding all over the convention floor, like the media blitz on Pleasure Girl Gina Lynn, the star of Eminem's new music video ?Superman? that is scheduled for a world premiere next week. People, US Weekly, Rolling Stone and Entertainment Tonight were among the outlets inquiring about the video. rnrn

AVN Best Actor winner Dale DaBone, who is also a motorcycle stunt rider, told AVN.com he performed the principal stunts in two upcoming Hollywood films, Biker Boyz and Torque, where he was the lead actor's double.rnrn

There was the presence of three-month-old company DVSX, sharing a booth with Exquisite Pleasures and Max Hardcore and closing enough foreign distribution deals at AEE that founding partners Alex Ladd and Javier C. will return to Los Angeles and hire more sales staff. rnrn

?We want to be like the next generation – young, fresh views and different ideas,? Javier C. told AVN.com. ?We're looking for a niche. We just want to say, ?thanks? for everybody supporting us.'rnrn

Ladd said DVSX's other priority is to immediately try to find a bigger building.rnrn

?We just started with a month-to-month lease, and now we're up to one production a week,? Ladd told AVN.com. ?We've had a great growth spurt. – We just want to make genre-specific, high-end videos. We learn from other companies.'rnrn

Celestial Productions had its own booth for the first time at this year's show, introducing its new company slogan ?Hand-crafted Adult Entertainment,? with a neon sign. Taylor Lynn, Cassie Young and Bella Maria represented Celestial, sporting a topless look with hot pants that said ?Tail Pipe? on their ass cheeks. rnrn

Celestial, which started with eight titles three years ago, is eyeing 40-plus this year, including day-in-date releases.rnrn

' I ry to keep my overhead low, and maximize my dollars. I'm not into flash,? Celestial owner/director Stoney Curtis told AVN.com. rnrn

Meanwhile, the list of top European talent grew at this year's show, led by on-stage awards appearances by AVN foreign performers of the year Rocco Siffredi and Rita Faltoyano, and European stars Sophie Evans and Toni Ribas, the stunning Michelle Wild, Julia Taylor and Dora Venter at the Private Media booth. Some of the other European talent spotted included Steve Holmes, Omar Williams at the VCA booth and Manuel Ferrara who made his first trip to Las Vegas. rnrn

The trend of porn stars investing in music careers gained ground, as Wicked Girl Stephanie Swift told AVN.com her record label Heat City Entertainment made a special record for the tradeshow called ' I ove Pussy? in which rappers Big T and Misk rap about dozens of porn stars. Swift played the song at the Simon Wolf/The Erotic Networks Party Friday night at the Venetian. Hip-hop artist/porn star India told AVN.com Sunday that she is featured on a new record called ?Chickens? with Chico and Cool Water that will be played on Power 106 and 100.3 FM in LA. Mystikal, Chaos and D. Sparky of the New Orleans-based Inner City Squad Productions collected an AVN Award for Hustler's Liquid City. rnrn

There were fashion statements, like Vivid Girl Sunrise Adams wearing an elegant black evening gown and attracting a mob at the Vivid booth Saturday morning and Carmen Luvana teasing fans in a blue sports bra that said, ?Have I fucked you yet?? on Sunday. And as always, there were the celebrity sightings, which this year included David Spade in a baseball cap and Hawaiian shirt picking up free t-shirts at the Anabolic Video booth on Thursday and Vin Diesel making the rounds with his entourage on Friday.