Aurora \nSHERMAN OAKS, CA - Aurora has cleared temporary work quarantine after testing negative for the HIV virus, the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation says. But AIM has also announced a new policy against mail-in test specimens for adult entertainers.

That policy now means Sabrina Johnson returns to the temporary work quarantine until an in-person test verifies the negative test she received in Belgium last week.

Aurora was the last of the adult film stars on quarantine in the wake of Tony Montana's positive test for HIV earlier this month. She and Johnson were two of three Montana co-stars who'd been put on the quarantine at once.

AIM spokeswoman Sharon Mitchell says the new no mail-in policy was adopted over concerns about identification validation.

"We ask that talent fly in a day early and come down to AIM and get tested," she says, "or call in and we will give you the name of a facility that tests PCR/DNA outside the Los Angeles area."

AIM will continue anonymous mail-in testing for the general public, however.

Johnson, set as the featured performer for Fleshtone Productions's live Internet broadcast, Gang Bang 2000 on New Year's Eve, is expected to test negative once again. Although her original temporary quarantine startled both star and producers, she wasn't expected to have trouble because her work with Montana involved an oral sex scene only.