ATK, Kick Ass Team With Howard Levine on Distribution Deal

LOS ANGELES—ATK and Kick Ass Pictures have inked a deal with Exile Distribution’s Howard Levine to take over all sales, international, domestic, VOD and broadcast for both companies.  

Kim Nielsen, Melissa and Matt Campos, owners of Kick Ass, issued the following statement announcing the agreement.

“We have had a great relationship with Howard over the last three years and have decided to hire him as our sales manager for both companies.”

Nielsen is also the owner of ATK; Matt is the vice president and his wife, Melissa, is the director of operations.

Levine now is taking over all of the studios’ sales, including for that of Nielsen’s acclaimed sci-fi feature Saving Humanity

“I am very excited about this new venture,” Levine said. “I am very honored and grateful to be able to take on such successful lines as ATK and Kick Ass. My main objective for the last four years is to associate myself with the top-of-the-line companies and be able to grow with them and develop them into the best of best that is available on the market today. This is another big jewel in the crown. I will still be handling all my companies with Exile, but this is a separate deal.” 

Levine continued, “We have been very busy over here at the Exquisite building. Relationships with such great people and industry leaders such as Kim Nielsen are what make our mission successful. And yes we are on a mission: To provide the best content to the distributors and give them the personal customer service they deserve.

“We strive to work very closely with our distributors and make doing business a pleasure.

"Kim, Matt and Melissa are what makes this industry great; there is no one who cares more about their product than these three people. They are some of the hardest working people in this business and have always been committed to the highest standard of content produced. My new motto is I am going to Kick Ass in 2016."