We're not talking about mere sex toys or Viagra here, ladies and gentlemen - the Impotence World Association says that recent genetic research breakthroughs mean the next quarter century could see artificially-grown penises and vaginas which can be implanted as functioning human organs.

The group's national director, Dr. Myron Murdock, says scientists in the near-future will be able to build male or female genitals from human cells by culturing and growing them over "an appropriately-shaped lattice" or mold, says Fox News.

"As unbelievable as this may be, the process of tissue engineering, and the ex vivo (outside the body) production of functioning human organs such as the penis and vagina are being done today in the laboratory,'' Murdock told Fox.

Missing genital organs - or, those that are nonfunctional or inadequate - would be replaced by the artificially grown ones, surgically implanted, to produce "a functioning, erogenous sexual organ," he continues