ARS Wants More Control (For Webmasters, Dummy)

Calling it their "latest major step in continuing to fill the leadership role of the affiliate program industry," Adult Revenue Service has introduced their More Control program, aimed at giving Webmaster affiliates more choices and control over length and price of their trial options.

The aim, ARS says, is getting them to make traffic convert properly. "Our webmasters call the shots", said ARS president and chief executive officer Rebecca Deforest. "We listen to our members and act on what they want...(they) now have even more control over the tour version, the page they link to and which type of console pops (if any), plus much more."

The new control features include selections for trial and length, including one-day free trials, three day/$2.99 trials, five day/$4.99 trials, monthly $39.99 memberships, more console controls, console free tours, 100 percent credit console tours, customizable consoles and chains coming soon, customizable BYOT join pages, random tour selection link codes, new free tour versions (for all 240+ tours) with new free promotional material, a redesigned product center, and easier link codes, promotional materials, and general information acquisition.

For more information, as always, visit ARS on the Web or contact [email protected]