ARS Reaches Out To Mainstream

Adult Revenue Service

wants to make its acronym mean more things than one - and to prove it, they've rolled out Advertising Revenue Service as of July 27, aiming to broaden content offerings and thus broaden traffic possibilities and tools.

They did it, the company says, mostly in response to existing ARS affiliate Webmasters who said they wanted to see ARS expand their product offerings, expecially with an eye toward approaching mainstream entertainment and services. One of the new products launched in full under the Advertising Revenue Service umbrella is, a dating service.

"This had been operating a few months already, but we had done a soft launch on it," said ARS's Jake Lukens. "And with a dating site it's not so much adult, that's of the mainstream."

Two other products launched with the new service are XXX Enhancements, an herbal supplement online service, and Adult Dialer Solution, offering adult Webmasters a chance to broaden their international traffic revenues.

Lukens said more products would be forthcoming under the new Advertising Revenue Service umbrella over the next few months, many of which will also help adult Webmasters broaden their reach toward more mainstream surfers.

"I think it's going to be great," he said about the potential success rate. "I don't see any slowdown in it."

For more information, visit ARS on the Web or contact [email protected].