APAC Comments on Production Moratorium

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) has issued the following statement on the production moratorium announced earlier today by the Free Speech Coalition:

Due to an adult industry performer testing positive for HIV this week, the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) requests a three-day industry-wide production hold while doctors perform confirmatory tests. During this period, anyone who has been exposed to the patient within two weeks prior to the patient's last negative test through the time the performer tested positive, will be called to test for HIV. The patient will be re-tested to establish whether the result was a false-positive or if there is need for further testing. APAC will release a statement within three days regarding whether the production hold is called off or if a two-week moratorium is necessary.

Due to HIPAA regulations, personal or health information about this patient is not allowed to be released. APAC is asking fellow performers to show compassion towards each other and to our unnamed peer who is currently waiting for the results of their confirmatory test and to abstain from speculating about the patient's identity.

The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee's mission is to support the safety, happiness and well-being of individual performers and our community. Therefore we stand against blaming specific performers for contracting HIV, and we encourage them to take steps to ensure HIV- negative scene partners are not exposed. If any performers impacted by this work-halt need emotional support, a friendly face or a shoulder to cry on, APAC is available to help you through this period.

This request to honor the current production hold is made for the safety of our community as a whole and for performers' individual safety. APAC is requesting that all adult performers honor the call for a three-day production hold and treat each other with compassion and respect during this time.

As performers, it is our responsibility to understand how HIV is transmitted and to show care for other performers. At APAC, we offer resources on HIV and STI education and a private, performer-only platform for performers to support and discuss concerns with each other.

APAC encourages performers to reach out to their existing support systems, and to remember we're all in this together and should be able to lean on each other.