New York City was stunned to learn Thursday that a 12-year-old boy stricken with AIDS had sexually assaulted other children and admitted trying to spread the disease.

The New York Post says the case came to light when the mother of a three-year-old girl the boy's alleged to have attacked called police, who tell the paper the boy told them, "I [have] it and I want others to have it."

And he didn't just put his victims in danger, either, the Post says. He lives in Coney Island with his grandmother, who often babysits other children. The paper says authorities are looking into whether any of the boy's attacks happened in her home - and whether she knew about them but did nothing to stop them, in which case she would face charges as well.

The boy is said to have full-blown AIDS, having contracted the disease from his now-deceased mother, the Post says. So far, he is charged only with sodomy and being held in a juvenile detention center without bail.