An Air Force master sergeant, convicted of committing sexual acts with two 17-year-old female recruits and improper conduct toward other women, faces a maximum life sentence in military prison when he is sentenced Feb. 22.

MSgt Raymond Allen, a 16-year veteran, was found guilty of consensual sodomy with one 17-year-old high school student and attempted forcible sodomy with another 17-year-old girl, the Associated Press reports. This girl, now in basic military training, says Allen lured her to his home, kissed her, and groped her, the AP continues.

"There's a line that has to remain there, and the accused crossed that line," said Capt. Scott Wilkov, an Air Force prosecutor, during closing arguments Saturday. "He knows what sexual harassment is about."

Allen's military defense attorney, Capt. Bryan Watson, argued he had too much to lose to risk such behavior, the AP says. "Is this the kind of man who's going to lay it all on the line for a cheap thrill?"

But the court martial jury also found Allen guilty of three counts of trying to "develop or maintain" intimate relationships with recruits.