Alissa \nBRUNSWICK, GA - She calls herself Kandi and she's ordinarily the friendly type. But she tells AVN On The Net she's more than slightly outraged over a member of her softcore Web site being suspended over her participation and over the way it was covered in the local press.

The flap occurred after Alissa, who appears on the site in her off-duty time, lost her job at the Brunswick County Courthouse over it. Kandi says Alissa had done nothing more than look at her message board on her lunch break.

"I guess what happened is, someone made an anonymous tip that people at work were using vulgar language, downloading porn, and sending nasty e-mails," Kandi says by phone. "And they took all the computers and looked into them, then they removed four computers, were women's computers, and they found (Alissa) had gone to our Web site on the computer. The three others, they had done nasty e-mails back and forth but they let them go back to work, where Alissa, almost two weeks later, is still out of work on administrative leave."

The local press, she says, has covered it as strictly a worker downloading hardcore porn on company time, but Kandi says it wasn't quite that simple - enough so that she's mulling contacting the American Civil Liberties Union over the flap.

The Brunswick News reported that "compromising images" of the woman were among the downloaded material on the courthouse computers, but Kandi says it was nothing of the sort. \n \n

"All (Alissa) did was go to our site and only to the message board and schedule," Kandi says. "Now they're looking at a dismissal for this." She says the courthouse's policy and procedures didn't say explicitly anything about downloading even softcore images, which her site ( features - but the site has no hardcore activity of any kind.

"As far as I'm concerned, that's a violation of First Amendment rights," says Kandi. "She's on Seductioncams on her off time. In the evenings. She was only viewing her schedule and her message board during her lunch break. She's a good worker, her boss loves her, but she's suspended because she went to the site."

She says Alissa isn't the only one in job trouble because of the site - the site was registered in her boyfriend's name to protect her privacy, but someone tipped his boss off and her boyfriend lost his job. "He was the only one in his office and he registered it at that address, that was all, but his boss didn't want to hear anything about it and just said (my boyfriend's) running a porn site from the office."

She says they're about to file bankruptcy because of that. "I started the site to add to the income, it can't replace his income," she says.

Kandi says the courthouse isn't even bothering to consider its own system integrity. "They may not even have a firewall set up on their network system," she says. "How's that protecting our citizens? They spend more time worrying about people downloading porn and they're not protected against hackers. Courthouse records are open to hackers. They've got their priorities wrong."

Courthouse officials have refused comment on the details of the downloading flap. The News says Alissa can appeal the suspension to an administrative hearing officer, can bring legal counsel, and the hearing officer's finding can be appealed to the county commission - except for county workers working for constitutional officers, in which case the officer can choose to hear the final appeal.