It took fourteen distinguished judges 8,624 hours to bring it off (ok, we're exaggerating…but not by that much), but the nominees for the 2000 AVN Adult Internet Awards are in and posted.

Sorry, we can't tell you who the eventual finalists and winners will be. (For one thing, we don't know that ourselves, yet.) But we can tell you who survived our arduous and very painstaking nominating process.

But you didn't think we'd make it that easy, did you? You'll have to drop by and have a peek at some of the remarkable adult Web sites that are in the running.

And you can, of course, join in the fun and vote for the People's Choice Award as of Monday, Dec. 13. Just check back with us on that day and vote!

Meanwhile, make your plans to join us in Las Vegas Jan. 11 for the 2000 AVN Adult Internet Awards at the Venetian Hotel. If you'd like to join us, buy your tickets right here (well, inside, on the awards pages) or call 1 (800) 521-2474 x113.