ADI Adds New Sites to its Network

The ADI Network (Adult Dial-in,, an online billing method that charges users a flat rate charged to their phone bills, has announced new deals with several sites to offer their service, with more on the way, according to co-CEO Tony Johnson.

Some of the new participating sites are (,, (, ( and (, among others. All in all, there are now approximately 30 Web sites that are currently signed on.

ADI allows surfers to access the member's section of "ADI Ready" adult pay sites without entering credit card details or "joining" the site. The free software that enables this can be downloaded from the ADI site and will allow users to browse the Internet using their regular ISP at normal phone costs. When encountering a site, the user will have the choice to proceed to the member's section through the ADI Network, with rates charged to their phone bills at 40 cents a minute in the United States. When the user then decides to exit from the site, he then has the choice to have the dialer software reconnect him back to his regular ISP to browse the non-adult Internet at normal phone rates.

An important feature of the system is that it offers Web masters protection against fraud and the dreaded chargebacks. "It enables an online clock," said Peter Whitehouse, the other co-CEO. "You can see how long you're on. It will show you a pop-up window at about fifteen minutes saying you have been on that long, and it offers an automatic disconnect at thirty minutes, at which point you can reconnect if you want to. But you can't say that you didn't make the call."

Another advantage to both sites and surfers is that consumers can now bypass the feared trial periods and use ADI to preview a site, spending precisely as much time and money as they want to. In fact, they'll probably end up spending more money that way than if they bought a $2.95 three-day trial. Says Whitehouse, "Consumers involved in our market research have expressed that they would be more likely to buy multiple monthly memberships because they can preview the site."

Perfected in Europe, at present ADI has no age verification capabilities, though they are presently being developed for the U.S. market, according to Johnson.