Two heavy hitters in adult video and apparel are teaming up to promote each other's forthcoming projects. Vivid Video and Ecko Unlimited have a deal in which Vivid performers will wear Ecko apparel prominently in forthcoming video releases, Vivid has announced.

Vivid press spokesman Brian Gross says those features will include Vivid's Watcher and Neighborhood series, plus the Action Sports Sex series, with both male and female performers wearing Ecko apparel. In turn, Ecko has created postcards and posters "that will be plastered coast to coast where Vivid and Ecko products are sold," Gross says, adding they will feature both companies' Web sites.

The Vivid Girls will also be involved considerably in Ecko's marketing and ad campaigns.

"This is the first time an adult company and an urban wear company have teamed up in a unique and positive endeavor," Gross says. "We look forward to a long and bright future with Ecko."

Ecko marketing director Coltrane Curtis praises the deal, too. "The total significance of a relationship/synergy between Vivid Video and Ecko Unlimited will not be fully understood until we start bombing cities across the U.S."