‘Next-Gen Net’ Via Library Card

How would you like to use a library card to get onto the next-generation Internet? The Boloto Group has developed what they call The Library Card, letting users unlock a private community giving access to products, services, and entertainment not available on the Internet at present.

And all users need to do is fill out a simple registration, the Boloto Group said announcing the Library Card.

"While the Web has revolutionized many personal and business functions, certain limitations have kept it from being even more fully utilized," the company said in their announcement. "It had not reached the next level, which the Boloto Group technology now makes possible with this generation of Internet.

"[We have] created a unique, more secure, private collaborative community which provides secure and personalized access for virtually everything that an individual uses the Internet for," they continued. "Also, companies will be able to pinpoint their advertising to exact individuals. Beginning in the first quarter of 2005, members and advertisers will begin to enjoy the benefits and services of their Library Cards and the Boloto technology."

Applications include LC Search, "a vast improvement on Internet search engines that provides more specific responses to queries"; LC Index, "a personal automated contact manager that keeps individuals and events important to users informed and up to date in real-time"; and, The Library Line, "an incredible breakthrough technology and application, will be the most advanced communication tool on the Internet," Boloto said.

At full implementation, Boloto added, member users can talk or type, listen or read, and translate to the language they choose at once. The program will also allow users to stay connected to their Internet service provider wirelessly regardless of where they are, and to access tools and applications to help manage finances and business affairs.

"The Web as we know it is about to change, for the better," said Boloto chief executive Robert Donnelli at the company announcement. "The Boloto Group uses the mantra where innovation captures opportunity. Innovation is our patent-pending, leading-edge technologies. These technologies provide us with many opportunities, including the opportunity to resolve piracy once and for all.

"They provide the opportunity to bring people together globally and to make the Web a safer, more personalized place," he continued. "And they provide the opportunity to simplify the Web, to use it exactly as you desire and for businesses to sponsor free events for their exact audiences. Decades of experience and years of development in the making, welcome to the Library Card."

The piracy resolution Boloto has in mind involves a new computer coding making it possible to distribute media in smaller sizes faster and with security methods ensuring fees paid by users or advertisers. The company hopes that will prove a solution to software and music and other entertainment piracy the Internet industry has been hunting for a long time.