2Much Announces Cybernet Sponsorship

Adult Internet billing and streaming content solutions provider 2Much Internet Services is an official Cybnernet Expo sponsor, the company announced May 16.

"People should start to recognize that on-line technology is for the most part driven by the stigmatized adult industry and yet affects society as a whole," said 2Much chief executive officer and president Mark Prince, suggesting people should think about thanking the often-unthanked adult Internet.

The sponsorship announcement came three days after 2Much and the Canadian government announced that fears about the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) should not discourage travel to Montreal, since such SARS outbreak as there was in Canada has been confined to Toronto, well south of Montreal.

Cybernet Expo runs from June 4-7, offering adult Webmasters the chance to network and learn about new trends and technology. "In large part, the adult entertainment business drives companies like 2Much Internet Services to push their technologies and software solutions to new levels," Prince said

2Much says that with the adult Internet being a six billion dollar industry, "people can no longer say that it is not valid or does not serve a greater purpose than the obvious. The adult industry has been responsible for pushing technologies to new heights, for one obvious reason: the industry has the money required to do so."

The company plans to showcase some of its own new technologies, including some that they say will make online chat and other Website software more customer- and performer-friendly, as well as making systems more secure and data transfer even faster. They're also hosting a major Cybernet party at their own Old Port offices on the first day of the convention.

For more information, visit 2Much on the Web or contact Jesse at (514) 285-9325.