2 Live Crew Member Pisses Off Deelicious

Hell hath no fury like a woman pissed off. Especially in Deelicious Milano's case. In South Beach [Florida] recently to do a photo shoot for a black magazine, the busty black beauty was invited to be on Luther Campbell's radio show. Campbell, as you may recall, is the lead guy of 2 Live Crew, a rap group that got into First Amendment hot waters some years back over its lyrics - a case which also made Tipper Gore a household name.

"He [Campbell] was rude to me," says Deelicious. "He kept pinching my ass and saying he wanted to do a porno with me. He's telling the world he's reformed, but, believe me, nothing has changed." Deelicious says she even has photos of Campbell pinching her ass which she'll supply upon request.

Deelicious is currently dating a guy who's a former school chum of WWF wrestling star, "The Rock."