110 Media Group Opens Unused Ad Space Resale Site

110 Media Group has launched a new Website aimed at reselling large amounts of unused advertising space acquired when the company purchased free Web host Web1000.com.

Analysts have said Web1000-hosted sites have an average three-month reach of over 883 million Netizens, which 100 Media said creates "a plethora of marketable advertising space that the company has already begun to capitalize upon."

Web1000Traffic.com will formalize the marketing model for reselling ad space across the Web1000 platform, 110 Media added, using what they called a proven business model along the lines of DoubleClick.com and FreeServers.com.

"We have been inundated with requests to purchase traffic since we took over web1000.com," said 110 Media sales leader Mike Vega, announcing the new site. "Web1000Traffic.com will help to create a structured sales effort for us to effectively market the underutilized and undersold inventory."

For more information, visit 110 Media Group on the Web.