TickleLife Launches TickleCharge Payment Gateway

SAN FRANCISCO—Sexual wellness brand TickleLife has announced TickleCharge, a new censor-proof payment gateway created specifically for the sexual wellness and related industries.

TickleCharge will cater to anyone from the sexual well-being and sextech industry, whether they are a sex educator, doctor, sex therapist, coach or a sextech entrepreneur.

Shakun Sethi, founder of TickleLife, said, “Being from the sexual wellbeing industry for more than two years and a user ourselves, TickleLife encountered multiple roadblocks in the payments front while engaging with users from across the world. We realized that a major component of the services provided would be incomplete unless payment stability is created. Hence the birth of TickleCharge.”

TickleCharge will function primarily in the North American market but will take merchants on a case-by-case basis from across the world, except in sanctioned countries.

Highlights of TickleCharge:

• It can receive and hold funds in more than 20 currencies.
• It can be easily integrated with multiple platforms.
• The offering of merchant account codes according to the services provided, and not blanket high-risk category codes.
• The service boasts a robust merchants’ verification process to prevent de-platforming.

The payment gateway will help with the discoverability issue that the sexual wellness industry faces. Every year, approximately more than $1.15 billion is lost due to payment censorship. TickleCharge aims to streamline payment processing, but also helps to eradicate the taboo attached to sex professions.

For any inquiries, contact [email protected].

For more information, visit TickleCharge and TickleLife.