Pornhub Outlines New User Terms

LOS ANGELES—Pornhub has announced new safety measures for using its tube site, including “verified uploaders only,” “banning downloads” and “expanded moderation,” among other guidelines.

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The company outlined its modified rules for uploading under the header “Our Commitment to Trust and Safety”—an existing page in the site's Help section linked from the home page. 

“Our core values such as inclusivity, freedom of expression and privacy are only possible when our platform is trusted by our users,” Pornhub writes in introducing the guidelines. “This is why we have always been committed to eliminating illegal content, including non-consensual material and child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Every online platform has the moral responsibility to join this fight, and it requires collective action and constant vigilance.

“Over the years, we have put in place robust measures to protect our platform from non-consensual content. We are constantly improving our trust and safety policy to better flag, remove, review and report illegal material. While leading non-profit and advocacy groups recognize that our efforts have been effective, we know there is more to do.”

For the full set of Pornhub rules and regulations, click here.