Pornhub Announces Free Virtual Private Network For Users

NEW YORK—In an effort to provide more privacy and security for site users, PornHub announced it will launch a free Virtual Private Network.

“Today, the internet is rife with hackers, who are growing in number and sophistication, compromising people’s sensitive data. While browsing in incognito may keep users’ browsing history secret, truth is they’re still susceptible to prying eyes, especially when browsing on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks,” said Corey Price, vice president of Pornhub. “Here at Pornhub, with 90 million visitors a day, the vast majority of whom are using devices on the go, it’s especially important that we continue to ensure the privacy of our users and maintain their confidentiality. With the launch of VPNhub, users will have access to the world’s fastest VPN, with over 1000 servers in 15-plus countries from which to choose. Now, whether they are perusing the Internet while traveling or from an untrusted network, they can do so without worry.”

VPNhub, as it’s called, is the next step in the company’s ongoing effort to ensure the security and privacy of users. VPNhub provides users with an encrypted connection that protects their privacy and personal information, allowing them the freedom to browse the Internet anonymously and without restrictions.

The announcement of VPNhub is the latest in Pornhub’s efforts to ensure users’ confidentiality. In 2017, the company announced a switch to HTTPS as part of a major security upgrade against hackers and malware. That same year, it announced the official launch of a bug bounty program that offers monetary rewards to security researchers for finding security bugs. Most recently, Pornhub announced it will be accepting anonymity-focused cryptocurrency Verge, which allows for anonymous transactions, to pay for all Pornhub purchases.

Featuring unlimited bandwidth, VPNhub makes it impossible for ISPs to throttle users’ usage, as they navigate the Internet without having to deal with local networks or geographic limitations. Furthermore, VPNhub provides users with an extra layer of security, transmitting sensitive data under its cloak of anonymity, rendering it inaccessible to hackers, government entities and prying eyes. VPNhub logs no user data or activity while it is being used, further ensuring user privacy and anonymity.

To promote the launch of VPNhub, Pornhub has released a series of promotional videos. Each video stars the VPNhub brand mascot, “VPNhub Girl” (a la Flo from Progressive) explaining the various features of the free virtual private network.

For more information on VPNhub, and to view the promotional videos, please visit