MayaBum Toasts One-Year Anniversary on AVN Stars

LOS ANGELES—The cam model known as MayaBum admits she did not anticipate what AVN Stars would become for her.

“The reality of it is that it’s my new cam home,” MayaBum, aka the “Sassy Tease,” tells AVN. “I only do one cam show a week now on Monday night. It’s a live show. It’s ‘Militia Monday’ on AVN Stars.

“I’ve moved my entire club—my Militia’s—to AVN Stars, and the perks that are part of that are not anywhere else.”

One of the early adopters of AVN’s adult-friendly social media platform, MayaBum will be celebrating her one-year anniversary on AVN Stars on Friday, May 1st with a special live cam show.

“I can’t believe it’s already been a year,” she says. “When I first joined I was like, ‘I better snatch up my username because this might be a thing here, and I didn’t know. I didn’t know what I was gonna do with it, so I snatched up my username and then I started checking out what it could be.”

Then as the platform continued to expand with new features such as the ability to live stream, MayaBum began realizing the potential of aligning her entire brand with the platform.

“Once I started hearing what the ideas were and what the hope was that it would become, I was like, this so exciting,” says MayaBum, who is approaching six years as a professional cam model. In the spirit of community, she has shared her insights with the AVN Stars team on how to fine-tune some of the camming features. “It feels good to have my experience valued and implemented in a way. It’s really cool.”

The former health care professional—who debuted on cam in August 2014—says one of the biggest aspects of camming is keeping it simple—and AVN Stars’ interface does just that.

“The basis of what we do is being able to login in a simple way, have our members and viewers login in a simple way and meet in the same place to see your favorite cam girl live—and the simplicity of that is something that I value so much,” MayaBum continues.

“I think there’s a lot of cool stuff going on with OBS, which AVN Stars embraces as well—such as tickers, hearts, explosions and emojis popping up. But my viewers don’t care. All we need is a simple place to just work and AVN Stars gives me that and so much more.

“I’m so stoked on it and I feel like a lot of people are sleeping on AVN Stars.”

MayaBum says her “Stariversary” cam event will begin at 8:03 p.m. PST on May 1st, noting that, “8’s and 3’s are special in my chat.”

“We will meet and we’ll have a party,” she says. “I’ll probably get a cake and do one of the most classic cam-girl things and allow my viewers to decide if we’re going to smash the cake with my boobs or smash the cake with my booty,” MayaBum reveals.

While many cam sites and content-sharing platforms are seeing an influx of new models—some of whom may not have considered adult work prior to the worldwide lockdown—MayaBum says she doesn’t buy into the notion that this market is oversaturated and limiting creators’ earning potential.

“I’ve always said and I genuinely believe that there’s a piece of the pie for everybody, no matter what it is or what they bring to the table,” she reasons. “There’s space for everybody and I just keep on keeping on. My people who are loyal to me know the kind of quality they are getting from me.”

MayaBum notes that AVN Stars soft-launched only a few weeks before her issue of CAMStar hit the streets in June 2019.

“So I felt like not an obligation, but almost a call to action. Like, ‘Hey, you’re a CAMStar and now we’re making this thing where you can do the cam thing on our website.’ I felt almost compelled to prove it,” MayaBum says.

“I’ve been doing this thing for how many years and now AVN made this platform for me—watch me shine.

“It’s been a year-long process of building. I took a lot of time off in the past year. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I’ve been slowly building and showing my fans what we’re gonna do with this and now it’s our home.”

She adds, “I’m super proud of AVN. It’s being done right and I’m proud to represent AVN Stars.”

MayaBum says that because cam girls spend so much of their time working in the solitude of their home—in isolation—that they were “probably most equipped to handle quarantine.”

“But I miss hugs,” she jokes.

She says she is pleased with how the state of California, where she now resides, has responded to the crisis.

“I’m really proud of how California is handling it,” MayaBum says. “My area is doing a super great job and is not hit very hard. Every time I go out I’m very proud of my community. People are wearing masks… They are social distancing.”

She even had a couple of safe social outings in recent weeks; she laid in a field and watched the stars on one night, but she and her friend “stayed six feet apart.”

“I’ve also taken a hike and walked a few of my neighbors’ dogs for them,” MayaBum says.

The outpouring of support for her former colleagues in the health care field who are on the front lines of the fight is nice to see, MayaBum adds.

“That’s their job. That’s what they signed up for and most of them probably don’t want the parade, they just want the respect and proper equipment,” she says.

Meanwhile, the enterprising model says her Camgirl Vacation venture is on a temporary hiatus.

Inspired to give her fellow cam girls a business-driven escape from their daily routines, she created the exclusive getaway in 2017, setting up previous Camgirl Vacations in Colorado, Miami and Las Vegas.

“Every time we started to put something together we were running into situations where models were a little strapped for cash,” she says, noting that previous Camgirl Vacations have set a high bar for accommodations and amenities that she and her partner, Amandarox, prefer not to compromise.

And now with the coronavirus putting a damper on what could’ve been a summer getaway, they are “very much on hold.”

“It’s never gonna go all the way away because we feel what we do is a valuable service,” MayaBum says. “Cam girls like it and they want to do it, but we hold ourselves to a high standard and that means that our trips are not inexpensive, although we try to keep our costs reasonable. Our ticket prices go directly back into each retreat, so what the models spend to attend one is our budget for the trip.

“Right now it’s just too hard for everybody. Even I personally wouldn’t put a deposit down on something that’s going to happen a few months from now.

“But we’re excited about the future. We’re just not putting the cart before the horse. We’re not going anywhere. We’re not in a hurry. We’ll be back when it’s a good time for everyone.”

Follow her on AVN Stars at @mayabum.