MONTREAL—ManyVids says it exists with a social mission: MV is working hard "to make the world a more just and sexually liberated place while empowering sex workers and content creators and supporting them in any way and every way they can."
MV’s made a platform where content creators of all kinds can generate earnings while having fun doing so.
One of the tools available on ManyVids is the Fund Me feature, where MV Stars can crowdfund directly through their MV Profile; the feature is built right into MV. Stars can use it to request funding for anything from buying new sex toys to using it as a resource for tackling huge life challenges such as medical bills or tuition costs.
The vast majority of the popular crowdfunding sites ban, restrict, and censor both adult content and sex workers while ManyVids has created a funding tool that’s both flexible and caters to the adult community.
And now ManyVids is announcing that the new Fund Me payout rate is now 80 percent.
"This isn’t for a limited time but is now the new rate!" the company said. "It’s MV’s deep and sincere hope this is a benefit to the community of entrepreneurs who have teamed up and partnered up with ManyVids to truly make something special.
"And if you're happy about this change please retweet MV’s pinned Tweet announcing the new Fund Me payout change and feel free to send ManyVids any feedback you may have about this development."