JuicyAds Releases 'People and Planet' Earth Day Annual Report

LOS ANGELES—JuicyAds on Thursday announced that the company has continued to reach its climate change initiatives since its last annual 'People and Planet Earth Day Report.'
"We just recently re-initiated our annual tree planting contribution for another year," said Juicy Jay, CEO and founder of JuicyAds. "A year ago we started a small recurring contribution to fund water projects in 28 countries, and through this we have provided a lifetime of water for many individuals around the world."
The company has been carbon neutral since 2011, when it became the first adult advertising network to go carbon neutral and has remained that way ever since. In 2019, JuicyAds unveiled a three-year plan to plant (and maintain) several acres of Empress Splendor trees annually and has met those targets, currently responsible for 8 acres and approximately 280 trees. The trees are unique in the fact that they take in 11x more carbon than most other trees.
Currently, the trees planted by the end of 2021 will be removing 800 tons of carbon from the air each year. The company is on target to continue its goal to sequester 1,200 tons of carbon per year through this initiative, which is much more carbon than the company generates, as a remote company (before COVID-19 made it common for companies to operate remotely).
"Just a few months ago we we crossed the milestone of over $106,000 distributed through our Entrepreneurs Living in Poverty initiative, and overall since the start of our JuicyAds Cares program (focused on people and planet) we have made over $137,000 in donations and distributions," Jay said. "Looking back, I never thought these numbers would get this high."
The company routinely updates the JuicyAds Cares program at JuicyAdsCares.com.