First Mobile Cash Acquires Salty Mobile, Flixaphone

LOS ANGELESFirst Mobile Cash is expanding its reach into new countries including India, South Africa, Thailand and more than 40 other fast-rising mobile markets, increasing its product portfolio by acquiring Salty Mobile and Flixaphone and their popular existing brands.
“Salty Mobile/Flixaphone is specialized in worldwide mobile consulting," said René Pour, president of First Mobile Cash. "The focus of their company has always been connecting mobile traffic with offers that form well across various device and carrier networks. Our own experience combining online and mobile traffic into comprehensive solutions, provides a great basis for a successful and efficient business combination in the mobile monetization industry.”
“We are excited to be joining forces with First Mobile Cash,” said Christoph Hermes, founder & CEO of Salty Mobile/Flixaphone. “The aim of this merger is to gain from the mutual experience we share in the field, to drive both companies forward as we build an even stronger brand and become the market leader in the minds of even more clients.”
The Salty Mobile/Flixaphone team is already being integrated into the FMC system and the newly combined forces will have enormous international reach in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and virtually everywhere else traffic sources exist. 
More information will be available soon, but for now the status of the accounts from both companies remains unchanged.