ExoClick Now Offering Outstream Video Ad Format

BARCELONA—Ad network ExoClick has launched Outstream Video, a new embedded ad format.

An Outstream Video ad is shown to an end user during their web browsing and is designed to be fully responsive when playing on desktop, tablet and mobile. The publisher can set the positioning on its website for when the video ad will trigger. As the user scrolls down the page, the ad zone pushes the website’s content down and the Outstream ad starts being visible to the user.

Once half of the ad zone is viewable, the video ad automatically plays on mute, though the end user can unmute the video ad at any time. Clicking or tapping the video ad opens the advertiser’s landing page in a new tab.

As the end user scrolls further down the page, the Outstream video will pause, waiting to resume playing when the end user comes back to the content where the Outstream ad is located. Additionally, as the user continues to scroll down the page, the ad zone vanishes and is replaced with the original content on the publisher’s page.

The ad format is available to bid for on CPM, CPC and CPV.

ExoClick notes that Outstream Video ads offer:

Benefits to Publishers:

• ExoClick’s Outstream Video format is fully compliant with the Coalition for Better Ads since it features a "Close Ad" button on the top righthand corner, and on the top left, the ad zone features the text "Ad by ExoClick."
• Easy setup. Compared to in-stream video ads, Outstream ads can be considered a plug-and-play solution with unique trigger positioning on any device to find the preferred revenue generation sweet spot.
• Outstream can be monetized by all publishers. Create ad zones with video ads within text and thumbnails even if the website doesn’t host video content.
• Effective monetization. Publishers can increase site revenue by up to 9 percent by implementing Outstream as an additional format across a publisher’s whole inventory. eCPM rates are competitive in comparison to standard display banner ads.
• Publishers may use Outstream below-the-fold positions when combined with ExoClick’s In-Stream and Video Slider ad formats to boost video ad zone revenues.

Benefits to Advertisers:

• Value, with a choice of CPM, CPC and CPV to test which bidding format works the best. With CPM, advertisers only pay for viewable impressions, when the video ad starts playing on the user’s screen, while with CPV, advertisers only pay for video views of 10 seconds and over.
• Because the Outstream video ad format is part of the user journey on a website, it gets a much higher view ratio. According to eMarketer, 77 percent of agencies and 70 percent of advertisers prefer Outstream ads.
• Higher CTR. The click rate is higher compared to standard display ads.
• Easy and transparent setup. Video campaigns will automatically run on this new ad zone if the advertiser selects all video ad types in the admin panel, or advertisers can create specific Outstream video campaigns.
• Deep targeting. All targeting options are available for advertisers. Additionally, they may use keyword targeting to reach users who are interested in a particular niche that is related to the advertiser’s offer.

Evan Zirdelis, ExoClick’s Sales & Ad Operations Director, commented, “With the Outstream Video format, publishers now have the freedom to place a video ad anywhere on their website. I recommend that the ad zone is placed below the fold, ideally above or below the mobile middle on mobile devices and between the content on desktop devices. This allows the user time to interact with your site’s content first, before seeing the Outstream ad zones. If you also have Video Slider implemented, this gives the user time to see the Slider ad first when your page loads, and then as the user scrolls down through your content, you can start showing your Outstream ads. In fact, Outstream is the perfect format for a website that is a never-ending scroll.

“For advertisers, Outstream has a high CTR and is the perfect way to capture consumer interest as they browse a website," Zirdelis continued. "Because your video will start playing when 50 percent of the ad zone comes into view, it instantly catches the user's attention, allowing you to create compelling content to generate clicks that take the user directly to your offer’s landing page. Additionally, when the user scrolls further down the page, your video ad will pause, so that when the user scrolls back up to that website section, they will automatically see your video ad continue to play to further capture their interest.” 

Those interested may watch a demonstration video of the Outstream Video ad format.