DatingCash Announces New Offers, Expands GEOs

CYBERSPACE—DatingCash, part of, announced today that new offers have been released recently and the coming weeks will see even more site launches available for promotion via PPL and revshare. The company reports that it plans to follow through on its desire "to constantly create new brands with fresh databases for their partners." Unknown to the public so far, these latest sites will have an “hot off the press” reputation and DatingCash believes they can deliver outstanding business value through higher conversion rates.

DatingCash also plans to also expand its brands’ availability into new markets as well, while several GEOs like the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany or Belgium are available already. In addition, plans have even been made for a new email and push notification ecosystem, aiming to boost revenue possibilities of their brands significantly.

“We’ve been busy since announcing our collaboration with,” said Bram Bolt, co-founder and managing director of DatingCash. “, and are already rolled out and within the coming weeks, we will release, and Once again, we’re keeping our promise that we’ll constantly create new brands with fresh databases to push for our partners. Global players will not only find great variety within our portfolio when it comes to GEOs, but see that we’re compliant as well.”

The company made sure that arrangements began early to be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, which is said to become implemented before May 25. “We figured out some smart stuff for cross-sell possibilities for example,” Bolt said. “Of course, that’s just besides the regular aspects like adjusting terms and privacy statements (while you’re trying to rethink the general deletion process).”

According to DatingCash’s co-founder, the company has furthermore just re-launched its assets in the United Kingdom assets and is preparing to increase its market reach. “Basically, it is our plan to release a new brand on a monthly basis,” Bolt explained. “On the other side we’ll be staying versatile enough to extend our offers on a greater global scale. We’re in the middle of setting up new countries as we speak and will be able to launch very soon in regions like Austria, Canada and Italy. Localization is near completion and this will efficiently expand our market reach accordingly. Other countries will follow too and we’re naturally ensuring easy payment processes with region specific options. In the Netherlands we have iDEAL for example and additionally there’s a local premium number to pay per message.’s Webbilling, a technical service provider for European billing needs, has local payment methods for over 50 countries and we’re looking to eventually make use of them. So, if your global traffic has potential members in those GEOs? You should contact us asap. Especially if you have users at the age of 35 and above.”

Moreover, DatingCash is currently focusing to improve its brands with email marketing measures and push notifications. “Naturally the basics had been covered before, but we’re talking about a more detailed solution which we’ll introduce in more depth soon,” Bolt said. “Both features are very dominant considering retention and will be great tools to expand lifetime values of members when it comes to our big brands. Continuous campaigns, as well as real-time notifications, sound highly promising to me and will likewise be available for whitelabels at a later date. We’ll definitely make details available within a press release in the following weeks.”

The latest DatingCash brands and according GEOs: - NL - NL/BE/DE/UK - DE - NL/BE - DE - NL

Contact DatingCash via the company’s website at