Comedian/Writer Kaytlin Bailey Talks Sex & Whore History At Noon

As everyone in the sex-positive community must know by now, the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, which was scheduled to take place in August in the D.C. area, has been cancelled, even as its creators continue to search for ways for would-be attendees to meet virtually. In that vein (though admittedly jumping the gun a bit), stand-up comic, sex worker rights advocate and whorstorian Kaytlin Bailey will be giving an online talk on Woodhull's Facebook page today, Thursday, April 30, beginning at 3 p.m. ET/Noon PT, on the topic of "U.S. History from a Whore's Eye View." Kaytlin will walk viewers/listeners through a brief history lesson from a sex worker's perspective and answer participants' questions.

Kaytlin has toured the country as a stand-up comic, appearing on podcasts and engaging local leaders in thoughtful conversations. Her one-woman show Cuntagious sold out performances in NYC theater festivals, and her popular podcast, The Oldest Profession, has attracted a growing number of listeners who tune in to learn about “old pros”—sex workers throughout history.

The event, which can be accessed here, is free to join, though Woodhull would appreciate if viewers/listeners would RSVP to let it know if they plan to attend. Those who aren't able to be present for the webcast may still sign up and will be sent a link to a recording of the talk.