Alto Global Processing Fights Chargebacks With AltoShield

MIAMI—Buyer fraud and the unethical payment decisions of many consumers have created a climate that is untenable for many digital businesses due to the casual way many processors handle chargeback requests, and the fact that some potential customers have now become accustomed to getting full refunds even if services were properly rendered after their payment was made. Alto Global Processing (Alto) is helping merchants overcome these challenges with an new solution designed to prevent chargebacks from hitting their clients’ bottom lines.

“AltoShield uses leading chargeback interception technology to help merchants worry less about chargebacks and more about growing their revenue,” said Luca Bizzotto, CEO of Alto. “Our chargeback interception service bridges the gap between card issuers and merchants while providing a clear line of communication to stop chargebacks before they are sent to the merchant’s acquiring institution. In collaboration with Ethoca and Verifi, AltoShield’s secure network enables issuing banks to collaborate directly with merchants to stop fraud, recover lost revenues, accept more transactions and reduce the number of chargebacks including in threshold calculations.”

A key component of the chargeback prevention strategy is the new AltoRAM (Representment Analytics Monitoring) system. “AltoRAM is designed to help businesses manage the chargebacks that are received by providing real-time reporting and alerts that include your chargeback levels along with identification of any suspicious activity,” Bizzotto explained. “The system gathers chargeback data as well as important transaction details, allowing us to fight the chargeback and win your money back right away.”

Already integrated with many CRMs and gateways, AltoRAM is typically a plug-and-play integration and can be used in conjunction with any payment processor anywhere in the world.

For years, Alto Global Processing provided the merchant account acquisition and processing solutions that merchants need to succeed in the modern digital world. Now with the advancement of AltoShield and AltoRAM, the company is evolving its offerings to include layers of protection that go far beyond getting the transaction completed, and focus more closely on making sure merchants keep every dollar from each transaction in their bank accounts. To learn more, visit