WEGCash Increases Payouts with Join4Free Tiers

IRVINE, Calif. – Web Entertainment Group Inc. (WEGCash) announced a new tiered payment structure for its Join4Free Classic and Join4Free V2 programs.

Previously, three separate tiers were offered for volume signups. WEGCash increased this to 17 tiers with high payouts.

“We’re thrilled to be increasing payouts for webmasters,” said WEGCash Director of Marketing Ruth Blair. “Our Join4Free program has always made webmasters great income, and by introducing a whole new range of tiers—plus larger payouts—every single Join4Free webmaster, both large and small, can hit their next payout level much faster and seize the opportunity to make even more revenue with us.”

There are more options for affiliate remuneration.

“When you combine the new Join4Free tiers with our impressive loyalty bonus [webmasters can earn a percentage of their sign-ups every month on top of their regular earnings], WEGCash webmasters will definitely see a positive difference in their weekly paychecks,” said Blair.

WEGCash has been in the adult entertainment industry since 1999 with the Join4Free program in addition to a selection of pay-site tours, exclusive sites, webcams, penis enlargement programs, and webmaster-referral programs.