Traffic School: A Rising Economic Tide Lifts All Sites

Finally, the “mental recession” is coming to an end in America and stats are starting to creep back into the black. As of July 15 and into the final part of August, my sales for the flagship—the adult dating site—were up by 25.4 percent. XXXBlackbook ended the period of July 13-28 with 148,742 unique hits, 10,919 free signups and 799 paid signups. Stats on, an ex-girlfriend porn site, kept steady and saw a slight increase toward the first period of August. Revengebucks ended the period of July 7-Aug. 7 with 35,823 unique hits and 54 paid sales. sales also saw respectable 18.1 percent gain in the first part of August as well. In this article I’ve anticipated a few questions that might arise about how to replicate this success.

What can I do to bust off a piece of those stats?

First, think of diversifying your holdings into dating and webcams. Traditional porn sites may always be your bread and butter, but it’s time to think about throwing up some adult dating and webcam advertisements at the least. If you do not want to “sully” your site with advertisements, consider opening your own dating/cam “white label” on a new domain. Most webcam companies now offer white labels, and I am certain that is offering a simple implementation for any affiliates wishing to do so. Dating ads can easily be worked seamlessly into member areas and blogs. If you’re not looking for traditional advertisements, I suggest looking into IM popup advertisements that appear at the corner of a surfer page as an MSN-style instant message of sorts. These types of ads work very well for me and everyone I do business with at the moment, without distracting from your own content.

Now is the time to put your hours back into building your search engine networks, blogs and free sites, and uploading short promo videos to tube sites. The economy is finally turning around, and with it sales are going to see a marked increase all over. If you are depending on search engine traffic, then you well know it takes time to get indexed and to get decent keyword listings. So if you start increasing your hours, buying domains, adding content, and writing keyword-rich content and posts, you will start to see traffic two to three months from now. Why is that important? You will see your traffic increase right at the peak of the economic turnaround and reap the benefits.

How can I squeeze more out of my existing expenses?

This is a question often asked by my clients. A good place to start is with your host. It’s a perfect time to stock up on servers and IPs for a very good price. Hosting companies are still feeling the sting of the recession and are now offering staggering deals on equipment/IP space. Now is also the time to hit up your existing hosting company and see if they are willing to renegotiate your deal/contract. People are fighting right now for your business, and you can use that to your advantage. Even If your hosting company is not willing to drop your price, they may be willing to give you extra IPs, RAM, hard-drive space or bandwidth. If you are on a “heavy usage” virtual plan, your hosting company may be willing to upgrade you to a dedicated box for the same price. All you have to do is hit up your hosting rep via ICQ or email—or by phone, if you’re a smooth talker!

How can I be sure that now is the time to act?

Companies are laying off employees and consolidating sites and programs. This means that big companies are contributing less new content to be picked up by the engines. Add to that the emergence of new search-engine algorithms capable of spotting duplicate content like never before. All of this means that YOUR unique content will have a better shot of being listed highly in the next six months than ever before. Now is the time to act. Six months from now all I will be able to say is “I told you so!” So get out there and start churning up new sites tonight!

Pro is a well-known search engine master and consultant within the porn/dating sector who has been active in the industry since 1999. Pro runs a SEO consulting firm that can be found at

This article originally ran in the November issue of AVN.