Takedown Piracy's Nate Glass to Hold Seminar at CatalystCon

LONG BEACH, Calif.—Takedown Piracy owner Nate Glass presents a seminar at the upcoming CatalystCon titled “The Impact of Digital Piracy on Business,” addressing the numerous ways online copyright infringement is harming businesses in a multitude of industries, as well as methods to combat it.
The CatalystCon Sexuality, Acceptance & Activism Conference runs September 14-16 at the Long Beach Hilton in Long Beach, CA. With 40 seminars and 50 speakers, the conference is billed as a “melting pot of sexuality” uniting sex educators, sexologists, sex workers, writers, activists and anyone with a passion for creating change.
For a detailed explanation of Nate Glass’ seminar at CatalystCon, visit http://catalystcon.com/sessions/#impactdig. The seminar takes place at 2:40 pm, Saturday, September 15 in the Pacific Ballroom.
“I’m excited to have Nate Glass speaking at CatalystCon, as online piracy is something affecting all of us, from the largest entertainment studios to even a small conference, such as CatalystCon,” conference organizer Dee Dennis said. “In addition to discussing issues surrounding sexuality, I also like to have sessions covering the business side, which benefits many of my attendees.”
Dennis continued, “I believe Nate is one of the few people who is on the cutting edge of addressing something becoming a major problem throughout the business world. I am looking forward to hearing him speak.”
Glass regularly educates audiences on digital piracy, including appearances at expos and conventions, on talk shows and in news articles. Glass said, “It’s an honor to be a part of the first CatalystCon, a show I’m sure is going to become a staple in the field of sexuality and gender.  I hope my seminar will be beneficial to those attending, from academics and sexperts, to authors and filmmakers, all of whom are the targets of pirates.”
Each month, Nate Glass educates readers of AVN Magazine and AVN.com with insightful business news regarding digital content protection for the adult industry. Through humor and accessible rhetoric, Glass explores issues every owner of digital content should know. To read Glass’ most recent article, visit http://www.digitaleditiononline.com/display_article.php?id=1105257.
With consumers becoming better educated on the harms of piracy, Glass created the Takedown Piracy Tips Page, so people can help make a difference. Millions of additional eyes provide Takedown Piracy with an army seeking out illegal downloads on torrent, tube and cyberlocker sites. Users are asked to report the copyright owner and a link to the infringement. To report a copyright violation using Takedown Piracy’s tip page, visit http://takedownpiracy.com/tips/.
Takedown Piracy actively tracks at least nine different ways content may be pirated, providing widespread coverage. Takedown Piracy’s army of servers offer protection in the following areas: Cyberlocker sites like Rapidshare, torrent sites, tube sites, auctioned or unauthorized DVD resellers, search engines, image hosts, blogs, forums and social media.
To view a statistical breakdown of infringements removed by Takedown Piracy, visit http://takedownpiracy.com/stats/.