Takedown Piracy's Crusade Covered by Men's Health, NY Post

LOS ANGELES—As one of the leading tech warriors in the fight against internet pirates, Nate Glass is well known to adult content owners. His company, Takedown Piracy, wages war using digital fingerprinting technology. And this week his crusade got some welcome mainstream coverage.

In an article on MensHealth.com titled “A World Without Free Porn,” sociologist Dr. Chauntelle Tibbals describes Takedown Piracy's campaign to a readership that presumably has consumed its fair share of free porn. In the article, Tibbals explains the basics of digital piracy and how Takedown Piracy is making a difference.

“Long story short, if you’ve visited a tube site, you’ve viewed pirated material,” she writes. “But what would happen if all this free stuff just disappeared? What if porn on the Internet was… no longer free?

“It may seem laughable, but there’s a program out there working to do just that. It’s the brainchild of Takedown Piracy.”
To read the article on MensHealth.com, click here. The article is also reposted on the homepage of NYPost.com.

Tibbals also talks to Lee Roy Myers about the creative ways he has found to make money by giving away his content on WoodRocket.com. Myers tells Tibbals that WoodRocket has tried such approaches as product placement, advertising, licensing, merchandising and viral marketing campaign deals. “We constantly have to work to discover new progressive methods for our content to drive revenues rather than relying on traditional memberships and sales,” Myers says.

Tibbals also solicits comments from fans about whether they wold pay for porn if they were no longer able to find premium content for free—with mixed answers.

Earlier in 2015, Takedown Piracy began utilizing its new digital fingerprinting program as an application in its Nemesis custom tool. In five months, the program has been responsible for removing more than 140,000 pirated scenes and movies from tube sites, and the numbers continue to rocket upward each month.

“At the rate the digital fingerprinting program is working to identify pirated scenes, those accustomed to watching free porn are going to be stuck with old or low-quality content,” said Takedown Piracy owner Nate Glass. “Will that result in more people paying for their porn, like has happened the past decade with music and iTunes? I don’t know, but I do know many sites offer affordable and easy ways to watch high-quality adult content for people to turn to.”

Many of the industry’s major players have signed on to be among the first utilizing the revolutionary program to safeguard content from piracy tube sites. “Each week more studios are hearing about our results and signing on to have Nemesis safeguard their content,” added Glass. “I’m certainly looking forward to a possible future without free porn.”

Early implementation of the digital fingerprinting program has already allowed Takedown Piracy to verify the accuracy of the digital fingerprints by identifying the copyright holder of hundreds of thousands of videos violating copyright laws on tube sites. Combined with Nemesis, which analyzes tube sites to pinpoint videos likely to be infringing on copyrights, the program virtually assures pirated material will be found and reported.

Available to all content creators, including DVD producers, pay sites, and webcam sites, the digital fingerprinting program is a separate service Takedown Piracy is offering its current and future clients. For a nominal extra charge on top of Takedown Piracy’s standard services, companies can track all their content.

Takedown Piracy currently has the program set up to be implemented on 60 websites, with over three-dozen more in the works. These are all actual source tube sites—no embedding sites.

The program is designed solely for detection and removal of infringing content from tube sites and search engines, like Google.

Takedown Piracy actively tracks at least nine different ways content may be pirated, providing widespread coverage. Takedown Piracy’s army of servers offer protection in the following areas: Cyberlocker sites like Rapidshare, Torrent sites, tube sites, auctioned or unauthorized DVD resellers, search engines, image hosts, blogs, forums and social media.
For more information about Takedown Piracy’s services, go to TakedownPiracy.com.