Survey Says Americans Have Lots of Sex ... And Want More

PRINCETON, N.J.—What are the horniest cities in America? What's the most exciting place most people have had sex? Where would they most like to have sex but haven't? And what positions do they prefer?

Those questions and many more were the subject of an online "sex census" funded by Trojan condoms and carried out in two parts by researchers StrategyOne, Inc. in mid-March of this year. The first survey consisted of 1,000 10-minute Q&A sessions with adults, based on population demographics elicited during the U.S. government's 2010 national census, while the second had double that number of respondents but was conducted only in 10 major U.S. cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Washington D.C. Atlanta, and Houston.

"On a national level, the survey finds that the average American (18 and over) has sex 120 times a year (2.3 times per week), and reports very high levels of sexual satisfaction (76 percent satisfied)," a press release from Trojan said. "Despite the high findings, sixty-three percent of respondents still wish they were having sex more frequently."

As one might expect, especially since the adult entertainment industry is largely based here, Los Angeles residents reported having the most sex, clocking in at 135 fucks per year—roughly 2.5 times per week—while Houston comes in second with 125 fucks per year. But while Philadelphia had the least—99 per year—its residents reported the highest satisfaction rate with the sex they did have: 82 percent. By contrast, only three-quarters of Angelenos were satisfied with their fuck sessions, and San Francisco scraped bottom with only 70 percent satisfied. Overall, 76 percent claimed to be satisfied with their sex lives, and an astounding (and gratifying) 85 percent claimed to have experienced at least one orgasm.

Also as one might have expected, married folks are more satisfied with their sex sessions than singles—82 percent to 71 percent—but singles got laid more often: 130 times per year, versus just 109 times for marrieds. And 71 percent of men want more sex than they currently get, while just 55 percent of women do (which, of course, could mean they're getting plenty already).

In other good news, 74 percent of Americans (83 percent of men; 65 percent of women) are experimenting with different methods of sexual satisfaction, from sexual fantasies to sex toys, and across the four U.S. Census regions—Northeast, South, Midwest and West—48 percent agreed that the most exciting place to have sex was in a car, while 33 percent said, "Someone else's bed." The sexes differed a bit, however, as to where they'd like to try sex that they haven't yet, with 33 percent of men wanting to join the Mile High Club, while 26 percent of women would rather Do It on the beach or in the waves.

According to the survey, 50 percent of guys like both blowjobs and fucking equally, though only 32 percent of women like getting their pussies licked as much as something "penetrative." Men's favorite positions are missionary (27 percent) and doggie (24 percent), while women agree wholeheartedly on the missionary (45 percent) but 13 percent also like "reverse missionary" (which we're guessing is cowgirl). And as you might have guessed, it's the guys buying most of the condoms (85 percent to 51 percent).

A few Americans like virtual sex as well, with 15 percent of men and just 6 percent of women admitting they discuss their sex lives on Facebook or Twitter, although 19 percent of Americans have sexted someone and an equal number have had "online sex," whatever that means. It might have something to do with the fact that 18 percent of them have had actual sex with someone they met over the internet.

One figure that's difficult to believe is that 47 percent of Americans "are open to talking to their friends of the same gender about sex," while just 28 percent are willing to have such discussions with friends of "the opposite gender." (Apparently, there are no transgenders in Trojan-land...)

"As we saw with the Indiana University's National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, there is enormous variability that exists in the sexual repertoires of U.S. adults," said Michael Reece, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University.  "The Sex Census adds to our understanding of sexual behavior across different parts of the country, having probed deep into the sexual landscape, reinforcing that Americans demonstrate a high comfort level in exploring with and learning from their partners."

"It's clear that Americans are sexually diverse and strive to achieve full satisfaction in the bedroom," added Bruce Tetreault, Trojan's group product manager. "With Trojan sexual health products, we pride ourselves on providing many options to meet those needs and increase the pleasure factor in the bedroom. From vibrations to a wide variety of condoms, there's an option for everyone."