Sara X Debuts at BlueBlood

Strong-willed, brutally honest, and of course very sexy, Sara X has joined the cast at Blue Blood as the subject of the company’s 1,300th photo set in the counterculture erotica realm.

A fan of Nine Inch Nails, Sara studied piercing with Fakir Musafar and taught pole-dancing classes at the university level. Her photo series, lensed by Blue Blood founder Amelia G and Forrest Black, is rife with brightly colored candies artistically juxtaposed against Sara’s brightly colored hair and clothing (when she’s wearing some). Among other things, the series shows candy raining on Sara X in (and out of) a multi-hued outfit. It includes almost 200 pictures that resulted—almost accidentally—when Amelia G and Black were given an artist’s palette in rainbow candies and frosting, instead of paints, by a four-star hotel as part of another celebration of the arts. Sara X just happened to have the perfect rainbow shirt and socks to coordinate with the "leftovers."

A membership for the Blue Blood mega-site includes all of the photographs and stories from Gothic Sluts, Barely Evil, Rubber Dollies, and much more, including quality erotic fiction from established genre authors and Blue Blood’s world-famous signature-couples photo sets.

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