SCOREOnDemand, eBoobStore Get Upgrades

MIAMI - The SCORE Group has upgraded its SCOREOnDemand and eBoobStore.

SCOREOnDemand, a video-on-demand site, now offers SCORE movies with several options, including pay-per-minute, streaming media, downloadable rentals and burn-to-DVD. A schedule of simultaneous releases for download and DVD also has been added.

"What makes unique is that it's the first time in our history that we have ever released our brand-new DVD movies on the Net," Elliot James of SCORE Group told AVNOnline. "Prior to this, new SCORE movies were sold only on hard-product DVDs for at least a year or more."

The eBoobStore site has been streamlined and redesigned with more efficient and secure service, said James, adding that all of the site's orders are processed and shipped within 24 hours.

 "For the first time, brand-new SCORE movies are available for downloading on the same day that the hard-product DVD version is available," he said. "These new releases are not sold in retail stores, and they are not available on other pay-per-view websites. They are available as DVDs and VHS through, as well as through SCORE's newsstand print magazines and mail-order catalogs. The burn-to-DVD option is brand-new to the site and duplicates the complete DVD, including menu and extras."

Both sites feature new search capabilities and model directories allowing customers to find films featuring their favorite stars. There are no membership fees for either site.

SCOREOnDemand's pay-per-minute rate is as low as 8 cents per minute, depending upon the amount of viewing time purchased.