Quantox Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

CYBERSPACE—In an industry where change is the only constant and where technological shifts can totally remake the playing field, racking up a full decade of successful operation is a real milestone. And that's just what Quantox is celebrating this year.

Since 2006, Quantox has been a go-to source for help with web, mobile and IT development. Since getting off to a good start in 2016, the outsourcing firm has celebrated its 10th year of serving the industry with a gala party and a new corporate site.

Formed to help webmasters and internet companies navigate the ever-changing and complex world of programming, Quantox was spearheaded by Vuk (also known as Lykos). The company grew from a team of three to more than one hundred skilled developers and web designers as the needs of its clients grew.

From an outsourcing company for web development, Quantox has grown to encompass all aspects of online tech: front end, back end, mobile and web design and development, database design and architecture, system admin, web hosting and content marketing. A company statement from Quantox points to its dedicated team of project managers who ensure that, no matter the scope or complexity of the project, every detail is accounted for in a timely and cost effective manner.

“We are very proud of what Quantox has become," said industry veteran and CEO Vuk. “We really dialed in and focused on our core competencies to become the choice solution for companies who need web development and IT solutions at a reasonable price yet cannot risk sourcing it out to unknown personalities. Our goals remain simple: serve our clientele with the utmost respect—respect for their time, their money and their companies. Ten years in this business is a major milestone and we thank every single company and individual we have had the honor to work with because without them it would not have been possible.”

And what does one do to celebrate a company’s ten-year anniversary? Give it a face lift—and throw a big party.

Quantox recently debuted its new corporate site, Quantox.com, which features news and articles to serve its visitors and their clients. The site delves into all of Quantox’s services and leaves no stone unturned in informing the end user just how the company can alleviate their programming and tech woes.

Additionally, the company hosted over a hundred guests at a gala party marking its 10-year milestone. The festivities included a lavish dinner, music and entertainment and plenty of champagne to toast to continued success.

The team at Quantox is looking forward to the next decade and beyond and plans to work with more people than ever in 2016.  For more information on what Quantox has to offer, visit Quantox.com or email [email protected].