Joins Slow Porn Movement, Adds Sensate Films

SAN FRANCISCO— Pink & White Productions has added "slow porn" company Sensate Films to its fair-trade video-on-demand hub, Directed by Gala Vanting and Aven Frey, Sensate will premiere their acclaimed first film, Amber, in addition to the subsequent female fantasy trilogy—Taken, Flare, and the soon to be released third in the series, PreOccupied—staring Feminist Porn Awards' Heartthrob of the Year, Zahra Stardust.

What is the "Slow Porn Movement?"

According to Sensate Films: The mass-production mentality of the adult industry draws producers into its ‘more, faster!’ mindset and mode of production. This often sacrifices both the quality of the product and the experience of its creation. Our response to this is to slow down. This gives us the time and presence to pay attention to those details that the mainstream so often misses; the quality of a breath, the words in a whisper. It gives our contributors the time to make choices about their representation, and also to take their time, to indulge themselves, to respond to the process of being documented. We are holding ourselves to the standards of other ‘slow’ movements and focussing on the wider impact of our work on our contributors, our audience, and ourselves. We value sustainability of energies and ethics in what we create. In so doing, we hope to generate change in the way that erotic imagery is experienced.

Vanting draws from a diverse background in sexuality and brings a conscious queer feminist approach to her work. Central to all of this is the core value of intimacy and the democratization of sexy.

"This is the first time we've undertaken any substantial form of distribution (bar homemade DVDs sold from suitcases in front of queer bars, which was also good) and I am honored to have our work curated into PinkLabel's offerings," said Vanting. "I also appreciate that the PinkLabel platform makes space for those of us who don't produce in commercial volume, because there aren't many channels through which we can sell and be paid fairly for our work. Because we make what we call 'slow porn', which often intersects genre and which takes a highly stylised approach, we are often nestled between genres or categories and this makes it hard to access either pornographic or traditional independent film distribution networks. PinkLabel has an overwhelmingly inclusive approach, not just to bodies and sexualities, but also to the ways in which porn and erotic film can take shape."

Sensate Films is available on It can also be visited on Twitter.

Photo: Sensate Films directors Aven Frey and Gala Vanting.