'Patriotic' ReaganBook.com Offline After Being Bombarded by Porn

CYBERSPACE—Well, that didn't take long to come unglued. And such a shame. The brand spanking new website named ReaganBook, from founder and social conservative activist Janet Porter, was supposed to be a indispensable antidote to alleged "gay-loving" Facebook, and a safe place where victimized Christians could express their intolerance for progressive agendas without living in fear of having their accounts shuttered. But by the time RightWingWatch was finished throwing light on the new "Facebook for patriots," the site had to be taken offline because of all its unruly new members.

Or, as Porter put it in a statement posted on the site, which remains offline, "Please be patient while we make the necessary changes to keep the site free from obscenity, pornography, and those intent on the destruction of life, liberty, and the family. We will be opening the doors again soon with additional protections in place. As Reagan taught us, trust, but verify."

The whole ReaganBook scheme might have launched successfully had Kyle Mantyla from RightWingWatch not posted an item yesterday about a "Reload 4 Liberty" event in Ohio. "Janet Porter," Mantyla reported, "spoke about her never-ending push to get her anti-choice 'Heartbeat Bill' legislation passed in Ohio. But apparently that is not all that Porter is up to these days, as she also revealed to the audience that she'll soon be unveiling something called ReaganBook, which aims to become 'the Facebook for patriots.'

"Because Facebook is run by the sorts of people who march in gay pride parades and supposedly censors messages from anti-gay activists like Peter LaBarbera," Mantyla continued, "Porter explained that she decided to launch ReaganBook as a conservative alternative."

As seen in a video embedded with Mantyla's post, Porter told the crowd, "We're tearing down walls, get it? We're tearing down walls of tyranny, or censorship."

As Mantyla noted, however, the site may have been up and running but "currently only has 31 members, including Janet Porter." He added that it will likely explode once it is officially announced.

It didn't have to wait that long. As reported today by deathandtaxes.com, "While the site had only 36 members yesterday, after Porter’s plan was revealed on RightWingWatch yesterday, it shot up to 1251. And at least 1200 of those are people making fun of the site. It’s pretty glorious, actually."

DandT added, "As mean as it may seem to just never let the right have anything nice, let’s not forget that their whole schtick in the first place is to deny actual human rights to a good portion of the country, which is a lot meaner—and quite frankly far more petty and immature—than making fun of their sad Ronald Reagan Facebook. They are actively horrid to the left, and really, all we have these days is the fact that we’re right and we’re funnier. Which, my god, they really do hate—so it is important that we keep this up."

MSNBC could also not help having some cruel fun at Porter's expense, with Steve Benen writing today about the ReaganBook project, "This comes on the heels, by the way, of conservatives falsely claiming that Reagan jumped into action in 1983 after a Russian fighter jet shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, killing 269 people, including 62 Americans, one of whom was a sitting member of Congress.

"In reality," he added, "after the deadly incident, Reagan didn’t want to leave his California vacation. In Reagan’s diary at the time, he wrote that having to go back to work ahead of schedule was 'heartbreaking'—not because of the lost lives, but because he was 'really looking forward' to a few more days off.

"Maybe someone should write an item for ReaganBook about this."