Ohio State Porn Files Prompt Safeguards

OHIO—Last week, we noted the case of the unknown individual(s) who posted up two salacious videos to an FTP page on the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' website that were discovered by a keen-eyed individual. After a spate of media reports has prevented the story from dying a quick death, a warning has now been issued by the state's Department of Administrative Services to shore up security so that nothing of the sort happens again.

"The 'Sexy Babe' files and other questionable files were discovered on the web site last week by a Dispatch reader, prompting ODNR to remove the materials and secure the page to limit the posting of files to authorized users," reported the Norwalk Reflector. "The web page is used to transfer large digital files from well-drilling companies to the Department of Natural Resources."

Remarkably, the spokesperson for the administrative department, Beth Gianforcaro, indicated that this was the first time that "pornography was posted to the file-sharing web page of a state agency," though it's unknown how she could know that for sure.

“This was not a security nor an attack ... a site used for storage was left open without credentials,” she said. “The state of Ohio is constantly looking for vulnerabilities across the entire system.”

Now, in addition to keener eagle-eyes to prevent further incidents, "An ODNR spokeswoman said last week that they would begin requiring credentials for the file-sharing site." Killjoys.