MidniteMonkey Launches Erotic Mobile TV Service

MidniteMonkey, in a move to take advantage of a mobile adult-content market forecast by Juniper Research to grow from $1.4 billion in 2006 to $3.3 billion by 2011, has launched an off-the-carrier-decks mobile adult-content service.

However, "We will operate our service in accordance with wireless standards as if we were working with a wireless carrier," said a spokesperson for the company. "We are committed to delivering quality adult content responsibly. From films to videotape players to the Internet, adult content has played a significant role in the adoption and evolution of many new technologies. Why would mobile video entertainment be any different?"

MidniteMonkey.com is designed to be accessible from multimedia-enabled mobile phones. A $14.99 subscription provides full access to The Adventures of Porno Dan and other adult performers' material.

"MidniteMonkey.com is quickly and efficiently taking my films to the next level," Porno Dan said. "Not only did they make this entire process easy, it was effortless to provide them with content.

"My success is based on the frequency at which my fans have access to my content, [and] now my fans can take me wherever they go," he added.

MidniteMonkey also has launched a program for other content owners and site operators, allowing them to monetize their existing content in the mobile space, a company spokesman said.