In xHamster Viewing Stats, Cuckold Porn Rates in Red States

CYBERSPACE—With a global ranking of 82 on Alexa currently, you can bet that free porn site knows a thing or two about porn viewing habits around the world. Today the company shared tidbits from that data to highlight the type of adult entertainment favored in states that support the Republican Party—which is in the midst of declaring porn a public health crisis.

According to an amendment in the GOP's platform for the 2016 general election, “"The internet must not become a safe haven for predators. Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions. We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our commitment to children's safety and well-being. We applaud the social networking sites that bar sex offenders from participation. We urge energetic prosecution of child pornography which closely linked to human trafficking."

Apparently, the good people deep in the red state of Texas have considerably more enthusiasm for adult entertainment. According to xHamster's statistics, Texas is the second biggest consumer of pornography in the nation, with the most searches targeting “cuckold,” “ebony” and “amateur.”

Other states fall further down in the stats, though Kansas clocks in at a respectable No. 15, with the search terms “cuckold,” “matures” and “Japanese” at the top of the search heap.

Red states didn’t uniformly reject alternative lifestyles in their porn. According to the infographic provided by xHamster, the term “lesbian” made the top three search terms in Idaho, Wyoming and Nebraska, while “shemale” made the grade in West Virginia.

Of all the red states, the most viewed categories were “cuckold” and “mature.”