Geek Gear: More Than Porn

End Run

There are few things worse than hearing the ending of a movie before you see it. Arrgh! But wouldn’t it be nice if you could ruin a movie for someone you don’t like? Or maybe someone you like who needs to be taken down a peg or two? Maybe that affiliate who’s been a serious pain in the rear lately?

Visit, and you can find the endings of every new movie and plenty of old flicks, too. What you do with this information is up to you. Use it wisely and remember: Karma is a bitch.

Caller ID

It happens to all of us: We’re out for a night on the town and go home with the phone number of a hot girl (or guy). But the name escapes us. Was it Amanda? Or did she say that she was a man, duh? One of those. Oh dear. We shouldn’t have ordered those extra Jell-O shots.

Don’t worry. Just get yourself over to, which is a kind of reverse White Pages: It tells you the name and address of the person who owns a phone number, for free. Well, maybe.

There’s a catch, like there always is. You can’t get information about people with cell phones and unlisted numbers unless you agree to pay up. But if Amanda is an old-fashioned girl (or an old-fashioned guy, as the case may be), she might have a listed landline. At least this way, you’ll know what to expect when you call.

If the Price Is Wrong

You may not know it, but a lot of online retailers offer price protection: They’ll refund you the difference if something you bought goes down in price.
But how do you know if that iPod is cheaper now than when you bought it a week ago? will come to the rescue. It will let you know if a price has changed, and it supports 158 stores with price-protection policies. So go forth and buy. And get a refund or two.

View Finder

Who can afford to travel these days? We sure can’t. That’s why we do the next best thing and head over to The site offers 360-degree panoramic views of landmarks from around the world, in places from Helsinki and Milan to Paris, Rome and Venice. Some U.S. cities are included too, such as Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah. (They must have a Georgia fetish.)

This article originally ran in the September issue of AVN magazine.