Gay Mainstreet Acquired By IntenseCash

NORTHGLENN, Colo. - Affiliate program IntenseCash announced it has purchased GayMainStreet.

"We want to build up the board so it is a great place to do business, chat, or whatever your needs are," said an IntenseCash spokesperson. "We will also be giving back to webmasters with contests and IntenseCash bonuses."

IntenseCash also is celebrating its new site CollegeBoyPhysicals, in addition to the recent acquisition of GayMainStreet, by having bonus days every Friday during April. The bonus payout with be for the company's per-sign-up program with or without consoles, and all sign-ups will pay $40 per join. IntenseCash also will be giving away video iPods on its message board.

There also is a new blogging/TGP section on GayMainStreet to offer webmasters link exchanges and gallery spots.