Eagle-eyed Reddit User Spots Porn Link on B-roll Browser

LOS ANGELES—Nothing gets past anyone these days, not even the B-roll images used in news segments to illustrate the stories. One assumes that the general public is not paying eagle-eyed attention to every last detail during these broadcasts, but one would be wrong. As Mediaite noted earlier today, "A production staffer for Chicago’s WGN station has likely learned that hard lesson after the internet picked up on his/her PornHub mobile browsing habit."

Incredibly, added the site, "One intrepid Reddit user spotted the bookmarked URL in the browser history of an iPhone used on-air during a segment on a new app for expungement."

Mediaite's Andrew Kirell commented, "As a former cable news producer whose hands have appeared in b-roll footage of keyboard typing, jail door slamming, Yellow Pages reading, and car window smashing, I can tell you with the utmost confidence: Shooting B-roll can be a fun experience. Having your grandmother call you to tell you she recognized your dirty fingernails on the teevee tubes this evening is a sign you’ve made it in life.

"Now imagine getting that call from your mother," he added, "instead asking about that big ol’ PornHub habit."