Does Dildo Scene Doom Twitter's Vine or Make It Awesome?

CYBERSPACE—If Twitter wanted to create a buzz with their new experiment in oddball video sharing, we're not sure they could have done any better than making "dildoporn" one of their first Editor's Picks.

Vine, a mobile service that lets Tweeters capture and share looping videos of 6 seconds or less, officially launched last Thursday, but the fanfare and talk about the service really started Monday, after a featured video showed a man sticking a dildo inside himself.

Twitter attributed the naughty video pick to "human error," stating, "A human error resulted in a video with adult content becoming one of the videos in Editor's Picks, and upon realizing this mistake we removed the video immediately. We apologize to our users for the error."

But was it really an error? Or a genius marketing ploy to gain attention for the video sharing service, which is only currently available on iPhones and iPod Touches? There's no way to know for sure, but the resulting press—everyone from to ABC News and CNN reported on the "error"—has certainly made more people aware of the app.

And since the app is available through iTunes, considering Apple's strict "no porn" policy did someone try to push the boundaries? Or was it just some intern goofing around thinking no one would ever see the video? And is the last time porn will make an appearance on Vine?

There's no real concrete answers, but at least people are talking—good or bad—about Vine.