ContentX Technologies Set to Meet Adult Studios at AEE 2011

LAS VEGAS—Executives from ContentX Technologies LLC, the new internet intelligence, security and monetization company designed to convert infringers to paying customers, will be on hand at the 2011 Adult Entertainment Expo January 6-9, to meet with adult studios about the new system.

Cort St. George, Director of Business Development for ContentX Technologies, said he and his colleagues will be at the AVN Media Network Booth (#830) throughout the convention.

The company will demonstrate the new CTX Suite, a unique tool that provides unparalleled information to adult film producers about infringers who pirate their content.  It displays detailed information about illegal downloading in real-time from the initial contact. It gives precise intelligence about the title that is being streamed and the identity of the infringer, down to the geographic area where the infringement occurred. The dashboard is a key part of the "friendly" new ContentX solution that identifies individuals who download adult content illegally and then helps convert them to paying customers.

There is no cost to the copyright holders to use ContentX, including its dashboard, which provides details on all piracy activities, including rates of conversion to paying customer status, status of litigation if legal action is taken and other business and marketing intelligence never before available to copyright holders.

Members of the adult industry attending AEE can set up an appointment with Mr. St. George by calling or texting 949-542-2785.